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Formerly Community Northern Beaches

Community Spotlight: Saskia Groen, Volunteer at Community Northern Beaches Crisis Drop-in

Today is Saskia Groen’s last regular Wednesday shift as a volunteer at Community Northern Beaches. We interviewed her about her role. Thank you for your huge contribution and for the mountains of kindness that you have shown to the guests of the Centre.

What motivated you to get involved?

I have teenage sons. Six or so years ago I was driving along South Dowling Street in the city when I was approached at the traffic lights by a teenage boy asking for money. He was clearly sleeping rough and dealing with addition. I looked into this sweet, open, gentle boys eyes and saw my own kids. It was a pretty defining moment for me. I suddenly became so much more alert and conscious of the plight of homelessness, ever increasing numbers of Sydney’s rough sleepers, and the under resourcing of mental health services, rehab/detox, and social housing. I started as a volunteer for Missionbeat and soon became an employee. They are a city based homeless service so as a Seaforth resident I decided last year to support my own community as well and started as a volunteer with the amazing Community Northern Beaches.

Look beyond the labels and truly see the person…

Until we can collectively see beyond those labels and see the person and their unique value and worthiness of love and belonging, then we will continue to see people falling through the cracks into social isolation.

Community Northern Beaches Annual General Meeting 2018

On Friday 12 October 2019, Community Northern Beaches held their 2018 Annual General Meeting. A warm and friendly atmosphere prevailed as those who care about the organisation came together to cover official business, thank some of the organisations and people who have supported them during the past year and elect the Management Committee for the year ahead.

Daniel Peterson- Westfield Local Heroes Program

We are thrilled to announce that Daniel Peterson, our wonderful Homeless Outreach Worker, is 1 of 6 finalists in the Westfield Local Heroes program for his work in promoting social well-being and harmony in our community. The grant will be put towards supporting the immediate and practical needs of people sleeping rough in the Northern […]